Click Here for Virtual Tour

Click Here for Virtual Tour
Click on the icon above for 360 degree Virtual Tour

Google Earth Presentation

As you click on the icon above, a Google Earth presentation featuring a 360 degree virtual tour with a personal audio/visual commentary opening up a virtual odyssey tour of my Eastern European roots in Poland, Slovenia and Ukraine. This virtual tour can be displayed on computers, tablets and smartphones which makes it compatible like O+ blood with multimedia attributes of interactive Google maps, historical video clips and photo galleries, background music, annotated notes as well as customized virtual panorama connectivity and more!! Thus, making it a "keepsake" presentation for my family, grandchildren and future generations.

      1. Click on the country icons at the top of the opening screen and there's an index to peruse each photograph for each country.

      2. For each virtual photo, there is a Google Earth map provided for your convenience in viewing the geographical location from roof top to outer space.

      3. On each photo you will find icons for individual photos and/or red balls as hot links to other nearby virtual photographs.

      4. Once a still photo is displayed within each virtual photo, click on it and the still photograph will appear in the center and then click on the "I" icon on the tool bar if it is unshaded.

      5. By clicking on the "I", a commentary about each photograph will be displayed.

John Kuzmich Jr. Genealogy Blog; Eastern European Roots

High Web Presence: by clicking on Turning Hearts: Taking Your Genealogy Viral! and center posting below for Google Search rankings

Poland: Snietnica, Stawisza, Krempachy, Nowa Biala. Juszczyn, Krolik Polski, Trzebunia, Więciórka, Maków Podhalański, and Szaflary (KUZMYCZ, KUZMICZ, KUZMYCH, KUZMICK, BOCHNOVICH, GALINIAK, HOC, BASALYA, KUCSALA, SURMA. PAZIS, WOLOSHYNOVICH, KUCHTA and TOMASKOVIC)



Czech Republic: Stara Wieś -- Staravesz in Moravia: (DLUGI)

Slovakia: Holic (GALINIAK, SKUBOVA)

Life Story of John Kuzmich, Jr. through a Google Earth Presentation

My Eastern European Roots of John Kuzmich, Jr.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Kuzmich Family History Ancestral Roots: Paternal and Maternal

The following maps represent villages in Paternal/Maternal ancestors in Poland, Slovenia and Ukraine where my ancestors came from.  Give me time to validate the authenticity of the maps of the two villages in the Czech Republic for the origin of our Dlugi ancestors before 2022.  My family is presently compiling information about each village with with emphasis on their local history and cultural things to share with you.  Villages encircled are the where these villages are located.  Note:  longitude and latitude coordinates are also provided for your convenience to view in Google Mapes where they are located within each country with Eastern Europe.

Click on each map to view with a larger image.  Here's the master link to view all villages at: Roots/Kuzmich Family History Ancestral Roots2.pdf

Click on each map to view with a larger image.  Here are the villages included in this file in the following order. I will bookmark  all 15 Eastern European village links that are presented below so you don’t have to scroll down for them.  The table of contents will appear first, for a more traditional table of content setting, go to the top of the jumped page for view all the 1) villages, 2) their countries and the 3) surnames of my ancestry in a traditional two-column table format.