Click Here for Virtual Tour

Click Here for Virtual Tour
Click on the icon above for 360 degree Virtual Tour

Google Earth Presentation

As you click on the icon above, a Google Earth presentation featuring a 360 degree virtual tour with a personal audio/visual commentary opening up a virtual odyssey tour of my Eastern European roots in Poland, Slovenia and Ukraine. This virtual tour can be displayed on computers, tablets and smartphones which makes it compatible like O+ blood with multimedia attributes of interactive Google maps, historical video clips and photo galleries, background music, annotated notes as well as customized virtual panorama connectivity and more!! Thus, making it a "keepsake" presentation for my family, grandchildren and future generations.

      1. Click on the country icons at the top of the opening screen and there's an index to peruse each photograph for each country.

      2. For each virtual photo, there is a Google Earth map provided for your convenience in viewing the geographical location from roof top to outer space.

      3. On each photo you will find icons for individual photos and/or red balls as hot links to other nearby virtual photographs.

      4. Once a still photo is displayed within each virtual photo, click on it and the still photograph will appear in the center and then click on the "I" icon on the tool bar if it is unshaded.

      5. By clicking on the "I", a commentary about each photograph will be displayed.

John Kuzmich Jr. Genealogy Blog; Eastern European Roots

High Web Presence: by clicking on Turning Hearts: Taking Your Genealogy Viral! and center posting below for Google Search rankings

Poland: Snietnica, Stawisza, Krempachy, Nowa Biala. Juszczyn, Krolik Polski, Trzebunia, Więciórka, Maków Podhalański, and Szaflary (KUZMYCZ, KUZMICZ, KUZMYCH, KUZMICK, BOCHNOVICH, GALINIAK, HOC, BASALYA, KUCSALA, SURMA. PAZIS, WOLOSHYNOVICH, KUCHTA and TOMASKOVIC)



Czech Republic: Stara Wieś -- Staravesz in Moravia: (DLUGI)

Slovakia: Holic (GALINIAK, SKUBOVA)

Life Story of John Kuzmich, Jr. through a Google Earth Presentation

My Eastern European Roots of John Kuzmich, Jr.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Are we related: Paper Trail and/or by DNA Testing?

Paper Trail?

Take the online family questionnaire!

Please click on this next link and you will go the next generation of family history web sites, representing the very latest developments in the John Kuzmich, Jr. Family History: Your Own Interactive Family History Search in my Family History! (Find Out How We Are Really Related). This new web site includes the opportunity to search John's GEDCOM file and instantly display family group sheets and pedigree charts to learn if we are related. At this date, I am related to well over 2,800 descendants from Snietnica and Stawisza, Poland from the 5,700+ who lived there from 1770 to 1870. And with additional original research, this number might increase along with the chances of being related even greater!

DNA Testing?  

To learn if and to better coordinate how we are related with genetic DNA testing and/or with web posted paper trail to any of our ancestors, click here.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

How To Successfully Extract Catholic Church Records in Poland!

Below are two outstanding video tutorials that simplifies how to extract (index) all the fields found in Polish Catholic records.
  1. 08.02 New meeting.wmv  Extraction tutorial - part 1 with Roslyn and Tadeusz
  2. 12.50 New meeting.wmv  Exraction tutorial - part 2 with Roslyn and Tadeusz

Sunday, June 15, 2014

High Web Presence!

What makes this scenario of high web presence on the Internet more interesting is that my family roots can very easily be found in a Google search because when you Google search on any of my Eastern European ancestral villages with a particular surname, my family history web sites come up first and in many cases, multiple times within the top ten Google findings!

Below are examples of how effective Google searches for particular family surnames with the following localities in Poland, Ukraine and Slovenia. Currently the first Google listing result when searching on the text is indicated in Red.

1. Snietnica, Poland and Kuzmich = first web site

2. Stawisza, Poland and Bochnovich = first web site

3. Krempachy, Poland and Galinak or Galiniak = first web site

4. Nowa Biala, Poland and Kucala = first web site

5. Stawisza, Poland and Basalyga = first web site

6. Stawisza, Poland and Hoc = first web site

7. Lesnica, Poland and Galinak = first web site

8. Turk and Novo Mesto, Slovenia = sixth site since the TURK surname is so popular in Slovenia much like SMITH is in the USA and England which says a lot for our web-posting strategy. But today, it did come number 1 to my surprise.

9 Kuzmich and Maximilianovka, Ukraine = first web site

At a future date, I will be to provide verification if any of your ancestors came from any of these above cited villages. And if positively verified, then you should contact the priests of those villages to obtain vital records of your family history research. And as a courtesy, I will also be able to provide the contact information for your convenience.

My primary family history blog and website are located at: and where you can directly search my on-line GEDCOM file to assess if and how you are related to me on the very opening page of this second web site.